BEST OF BEST+ Compilation Added

Recently, a copy of the 1992 compilation from Japan called BEST OF BEST+ was located and cataloged for the site. This was the 2-disc set that gave us fifteen new remixes and those same remixes in karaoke form.Carp_Best Of Best

This was an important compilation in the Carpenters canon as Richard Carpenter and Roger Young spent hours and hours in the studio in massive remixing sessions. Many of these remixes showed up on future compilations in the years to come.

Check out the new listing added to our discography.

New section opened.

We’ve opened up a new section called References. You’ll find it in the top menu. Currently there’s only one entry there, our post clarifying the differences between the old, original A&M CDs and the newer Remastered Classics. As we add newer things that fit, we’ll expand it. Check it out!

Carpenters Collected added to the site

A new Carpenters collection on CD, CARPENTERS COLLECTED, has been released in 2013. It comes from the Netherlands and is essentially identical to the 2006 ULTIMATE COLLECTION from that same division of Universal.carpcollected

Containing 34 Carpenters tracks over two discs, including just about all of their singles, the set also offers a third disc of solo material.

Fans who missed out on the 2006 set will want to grab this one while they can, as the older set was quickly withdrawn and replaced with another set full of remixes.

Great Carpenters vinyl scans site.

Ed, one of our A&M Corner members, is developing a site that features detailed scans of a number of albums that he’s fond of. In addition, he’s got a whole section devoted to Carpenters records artwork. Not just front and back scans, these pages also include any interior artwork and label scans too.InnerSleevePrettyWorld300

Ed’s hard at work on the scans, so it’s not complete yet, but that just leaves us all in anticipation of the great scans to which we’re yet to be treated.

Check out the Carpenters Vinyl Album Covers link to the right in Recommended Sites, or just visit by clicking

Rare compilation found and detailed

A highly sought-after and rare compilation has been found and detailed here. carpyesterdayUK1984

The 1984 British version of YESTERDAY ONCE MORE (UK) that’s more common as an LP had a brief run on CD and is now very hard to find. This compilation is somewhat notable for some rarer mixes, including the single mix of “Please Mr. Postman” and the original LP mix of “Those Good Old Dreams,” found nowhere else on CD.